Local Attractions

Top attractions and activities at Airlie Beach

Cedar Creek Falls

These falls are spectacular in the wet season and offer a year-round natural swimming pool at the base of the falls. They are set in a natural rock amphitheature. The flora and fauna will amaze you, particularly the strangler figs, red and white cedars and wild orchids. There are also bush walks up and around the falls.

Airlie Beach Community Markets

Located on the foreshore at Airlie Beach, these markets offer a range of clothing, local art, pottery, glass, wood, jewellery, fresh fruits, decoupage and home made foods. Open every Saturday morning and when cruise ships are at anchor off Airlie Beach.

Conway National Park

A beautiful park containing rugged mountains and valleys covered in rainforest as well as small areas of mangroves and open forest. Popular features include the spectacular lookouts and walking trails.

Conway Circuit

(Formerly Great Walk) Take advantage of the 43-kilometre walk starting at the back of Airlie Beach traversing the ranges to Brandy Creek.


There are a number of National Parks walks around Shute Harbour ending in coral beach’s looking at the tranquil turquoise water of the Whitsunday Passage or Mt Roper or Airlie Creek in the middle of town.

Scenic Drives

Use a hire car or your own to visit Dingo Beach, Monties or Gloucester Eco Resort where you can enjoy a meal or drink on the restaurant balconies where you can nearly put your toes in the water.


With so many different day tours and overnight tours to choose from there will be no time for relaxing! Choose from Island Hopping, Great Barrier Reef Tours, Semi-submersibles, Glass Bottom Boats or simply just sailing the beautiful Islands. Activities aboard these boats include: scuba diving, snorkeling, fishing, kayaking, bush-walking and plenty of eating!

Water Diving

Airlie Beach has a great reputation as a centre for learning to scuba dive. There are several operators offering a range of experiences for beginners to the advanced.


A range of water sports are available at Airlie Beach including swimming, jet skiing, sailing, para-sailing and water skiing. There are also a number of opportunities available to hire your own yacht, motor cruiser or small boat for sailing around the Whitsunday Islands.


There are also many activities and day tours for the thrill-seeker as well. Spend your day skydiving over the Whitsunday Islands or take an adrenaline-packed flight in an aerobatic plane, quad bikes, paintball, horse riding, croc safari and lots more!

Whale Watching

A number of operators offer Whale Watching tours between July and September when the humpback whales migrate through the Islands and the Great Barrier Reef.

Sky Diving

The magical Whitsunday Islands are literally paradise on earth and the base for all your topical adventures begins at Airlie Beach.